CESEE 2023@Sanya, China

2023 International Conference on Chemical, Energy Science and Environmental Engineering (CESEE 2023) was held in Sanya, China during April 14-16, 2023 in a hybrid way (both In-person & online).

#CESEE 2023 Conference Proceedings has been published in IOP Conference Series: EES-Volume 1204, and indexed by Scopus & CPCI-S..



Conference Chair\Keynote Speaker:

Prof. Jan Baeyens, KU Leuven, Belgium
Title of Speech: Solar-driven Hydrogen Production


Keynote Speaker

Prof. Marc Rosen, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Title of Speech: Hydrogen Energy Systems: A Pathway to Sustainable Energy and Sustainable Development 

Keynote Speaker

Prof. Nour Shafik El-Gendy, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI), Egypt
Title of Speech: Waste Biomass Prosperity towards a Clean and Sustainable Environment 

Keynote Speaker

Prof. Ahmad Zuhairi Abdullah, University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Title of Speech: Role of pore geometry of Ca1+xAl1-xLaxO3 composite catalyst supported on MCM-41 in selective glycerol etherification to polyglycerol

Conference Co-chair

Prof. Germán Mazza, PROBIEN Institute, CONICET and University of Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina



Session Chair

Prof. Huili Zhang, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China



Conference Photo

Author Oral presentation 1

Author Oral presentation 2