Presentation Instructions

Accepted papers MUST be presented at the conference by one of the authors, or, if none of the authors are able to attend, by a qualified proxy.

Oral Presentation

1. Duration: About 15 minutes (13 minutes for presentation + 2 minutes for questions). Please make sure your presentation is well timed.

2. Language: English

3. File format: MS-PowerPoint (*.ppt)

4. Dress code: Formal clothes

5. Paper title, presenter and affiliation information should be indicated in the first slide; Each slide should be concise, uncluttered and readable from a distance; include only key words and phrases for visual reinforcement.

6. If your presentation file contain video clips please make sure that they are well formatted and connected to the main files.

7. Please bring your presentation file in the forms of either ppt, pptx or pdf on a USB flash drive (memory stick),and make sure you scanned viruses in your own computer. Each presenter is required to copy the presentation file to the conference computer the session starts.

8. Rooms allocated for parallel sessions are equipped with LCD projector, screen, laser pointer, laptop running Windows, with PowerPoint and Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. Using your own laptops for presentations is not allowed.

9. It is suggested that the presenter email a copy of his / her video presentation to the conference email box as a backup in case any technical problem occurs.

10. Presentation certificates will be delivered at the end of each corresponding oral session.


Poster Presentation

1. Poster Size: 80cm×100cm(W×H), one page only.

2. Language: English.

3. Colour printing.

4. The poster should include: Paper ID, Conference Name’s Acronym, Significance of the research, the methods used, the main results obtained, and conclusions drawn.

6. Posters are required to be condensed and attractive, and the characters should be large enough.

7. Author should stand by, explaining and answering doubts or questions during poster session.

8. Please also email us your electronic poster in pdf file.

9. The conference organizer won't send/keep any posters after the conference.

No-Show Policy

In case a paper is not presented at the conference, it shall be deemed a “no-show.” For the poster, in case there is no author to attend the conference and poster session, this implies a “no-show” (one of the authors should be present at the beginning and for most of entire conference and poster session, for the introduction of the paper and answering questions). No-show papers will not appear on conference proceedings. Exceptions to this policy will be made by the CESEE 2024 Technical Program Chairs only if there is evidence that the no-show occurred because of unanticipated events beyond the control of the authors, and that every option available to the authors to present the paper was exhausted.